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Showing posts from April, 2015

A Simple Picnic

It was just a fun idea to take our lunch under the trees and spend some family time (as if we don't have enough!). Daddy cooked some pasta made special with our homegrown basil, packed it with some bowls and forks in a basket, got our mat in the attic and walked a few meters from our doorsteps.

Childhood Dream

This is the childhood of my dreams and it feels surreal to witness it unfold right before my eyes. While the sun sets, I am filled with pure joy seeing James and Adam with the other children just being kids. “For a child, it is in the simplicity of play that the complexity of life is sorted like puzzle pieces joined together to make sense of the world.”  ―  L.R. Knost ,  Two Thousand Kisses a Day: Gentle Parenting Through the Ages 
"Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel." -Jim Stovall